Meet the new Vokey SM5 wedges
It's been an exciting journey for the new
Vokey Design Spin
Milled 5 (SM5) wedges and the buzz continues
to build as
they landed in golf shops last week. Master
Craftsman Bob
Vokey and his team have been hard at work
and the new
line-up is impressive.
Precisely designed and manufactured using
proprietary Spin
Milled technology coupled with new, deeper
TX3 grooves,
tour-driven shapes and the industry’s most
extensive range
of bounce and grind options - the SM5 wedges
are bringing
short game performance to the next level.
Check out the video below to learn more
the new
SM5 wedges and see how they'll help deliver
more spin and
more types of shots, providing golfers with
more ways to hit
it close and shoot lower scores.
And don't forget to visit the all new
for even
more details and the exclusive Wedge
Selection Guide.
Fast Fact: Since 2004, Vokey Design wedges
have been
the #1 wedge on the PGA Tour and the most
played wedge
at every level of competitive golf.