Two Man Links at Bandon Dunes: member discount offer
04 Oct 2019
by AmateurGolf.com Staff

Registration is open for the 2020 AmateurGolf.com Two Man Links Championship at Bandon Dunes.

Member Special: AmateurGolf.com members receive a $200 discount on their entry into the Two Man Links Championship, if they reserve their spot before December 31.

The 19th annual Two-Man Links will be played from April 23-27, 2019, with another diverse field from around the United States and Canada expected to participate.

On behalf of everyone at AmateurGolf.com, and our industry-leading sponsors, I am pleased to invite you and a partner to the 19th Annual Two Man Links Championship. Our venue is the Bandon Dunes Resort, on the spectacular Oregon Coast. Over the years, we have introduced over a thousand players to this special place, where competitive golf is part of the fabric. -- Pete Wlodkowski, AGC Founder

Your entry fee includes the following:

• (4) nights lodging at Bandon Dunes Resort (see options when registering)
• (4) rounds of golf, one at each of the resort's for courses
• (1) gala tournament dinner (golf attire fine)
• $10,000 in prizes (based on 80 players)
• Tournament awards for division winners
• Welcome gifts for all players

There will be three divisions: Championship, Senior (ages 50 and over), and Net. For complete tournament information, click on either link below.

>> 2020 Two Man Links Registration
>> 2020 Two Man Links Informational Brochure

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