Five common errors when it comes to golf simulator setups
25 May 2023
by Todd Mrowice of AmateurGolf.com

see also: Equipment Reviews

The COVID-19 pandemic changed many aspects of the game of golf. We all remember not being allowed to use scorecards and pencils. For a period of time, we couldn’t check in inside of the clubhouse. And who can forget the pool noodles?

The golf “boom” that began in 2020 is still widely felt today, and the evidence is in how many new players this incredibly unfortunate chapter in time brought to a golf course near you. The convenience factor of having your own golf simulator was quickly realized during that time, and companies such as ACE Indoor Golf and Yardstick Golf have seen incredible growth in recent years.

The two companies brought to the viewing public a webinar on how to dive into your simulator experience, whether it’s a commercial or residential setup. From that, we concluded the five biggest things you should avoid when building out your own sim setup with ACE Indoor Golf Co-Owner, Joe Neumeyer, guiding us along the way.

If you would like to watch the entire webinar for yourself, please find that here:

1. Screen Above All Else
A common misstep is for consumers to purchase their projector, hitting mat, and other components first. Your screen, however, should be your first purchase. The main reason is that the screen will dictate the rest of your setup. You should make sure that you have 7 to 8 inches off of the back wall and that it stretches to fit your desired space. From there, you can determine your projector.

2. A Magnetic Ballast is Your Enemy
Whether you have a residential or commercial setup, lighting can wreak havoc on your simulator in ways you never thought. If your lighting fixtures have magnetic ballasts they will disrupt a launch monitor that uses radar signals to function. In addition, it will produce a pulsating light on any video footage used in your simulator. Your best bet is to change them to electronic ballasts.

3. Do NOT Wear Soft Spikes
When it comes to golf simulators, you don’t have to practice exactly how you play. Mainly, check your golf spikes at the door. Whether you use spikeless shoes or spiked ones, it’s a good way to destroy your hitting mat.

4. Keep Your Sharpie Holstered
Do not use golf balls that are marked with a Sharpie in your simulator. Why? Inevitably those markings will come off on your screen and they are nearly impossible to remove. Neumeyer recommended simply purchasing golf balls intended for simulators from the manufacturers which already have the proper marking on the. On that same note, avoid metal launch monitor stickers for golf balls as they will cut your screen.

Test Your Space
It’s always important to test your space after you’ve installed your screen and projector. Sometimes a few inches that you didn’t account for can make a big difference. Pay particularly close attention to this one should you be setting up in a smaller space.

For the best advice on your at-home golf simulator setup or to purchase the best components to get you started visit ACEIndoorGolf.com.

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