Surfing the Earth with Golfboard - Have you ridden one yet?
11 May 2016
by Pete Wlodkowski of
see also: Equipment Reviews
It should come as no surprise that Greenway has embraced the latest way to get around a golf course -- the Golfboard. After all, Greenway emphasizes that "fun" and "golf" should not be mutually exclusive!
Golf Boards can be rented at several Greenway-affiliated courses, including the Chuck Corica Golf Complex (Alameda, Calif.); Battle Creek (Broken Arrow, OK); Davie Golf & Country Club (Davie, Florida) and Victoria Club (Riverside, Calif.). Players rave about the experience from their first exhilarating ride.
"It's a surprisingly good workout for the legs and core," beamed George Kelley of Greenway Golf, after playing 18 holes on a Golfboard at the Chuck Corica North Course in Alameda, California. "We're seeing a great demand, and I have no doubt that it will help our facilities increase their number of rounds played."
With world famous surfer Laird Hamilton among Golfboard's principals, many people would be surprised to find out that Golfboard wasn't invented by Hamilton, but rather by one of his friends, 83-year-old Don Wildman. Wildman has said he hopes that Golfboards "do for golf what snow boards did for skiing."
Like a golf cart, the product will be rented on a per round basis. And if you aren't convinced by now, consider this. Companies like Greenway are buying Golfboards by the dozens for its facilities, and at least one order has been placed by a national golf course operator in the multiple thousands.
What about the impact on the golf course? Since Greenway restores and maintains some top drawer facilities, I turned to their chief agronomist Marc Logan for the answer.
"I'm in favor of them," said Logan, who has been too busy with the restoration project at the Alameda South Course to take one out for a test ride. "There is less impact on the turf, and it's more physical than a regular golf cart."
The Golfboard was just featured on CBS News. Check out the video below to see the Golfboard in action. Innovation comes in many forms!